How to get back to fitness after knee arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure. It is carried out in many cases, because the risk of complications after the procedure is low, and recovery is quite fast. This is an interesting alternative to traditional open knee surgery. Nowadays, as far as possible, they are being abandoned and replaced by arthroscopy. What is the recovery like after such a procedure? What to do to quickly get back in shape after arthroscopy?

A quick return home

Hospitalization after the procedure is not necessary. The patient can go home the same day or the next. Much depends on what time of day the procedure was performed. If it was conducted in the afternoon, of course, no one will ask the patient out in the middle of the night, but he will wait in the hospital until the morning. A quick return home means that the burden of rehabilitation falls mainly on the patient.

Swelling problem

Swelling can be expected after arthroscopic surgery. It lasts from a week to 14 days. As long as it is present, the joint should not be overstressed and fatigued. To get rid of swelling faster and reduce pain, it is advisable to use a CPM rehabilitation splint. It is used to carry out Continuous Passive Motion therapy, or Continuous Passive Motion. This therapy involves repetitive movements that are forced by the movement of the splint. It is the generation of movement without muscle involvement. As a result, rehabilitation can begin in a recumbent position just hours after the procedure. The rehabilitation splint helps to get rid of swelling and reduce stiffness in the knee. This all translates into a faster return to form and physical activity.


Although arthroscopic procedures are not invasive, it is not the knee that should be spared after surgery. For this reason, it should be avoided to strain it. Immediately and for several weeks after the procedure, you should move inclusively with the support of orthopedic crutches. They allow you to transfer your body weight to the healthy leg. There is no definite answer to the question of how long it takes to move around on crutches. It all depends on the progress of rehabilitation. If it is carried out consistently and reliably, one can expect a quicker return to pre-surgery form.

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